We Specialize In Business,
Estate, Trust & Individual Tax



Individuals with Interest and Dividend Income - 1040 + Sch. B

Individual Tax

We offer specialized services for individual taxpayers who have interest and dividend income requiring the filing of Form 1040 and Schedule B. Our service includes a detailed review and accurate reporting of all your interest and dividend income to ensure full compliance with IRS regulations. We assist in organizing and documenting this income, whether it comes from savings accounts, stocks, bonds, or mutual funds. Additionally, we provide strategic advice on how to efficiently manage and potentially minimize tax liabilities associated with such income. Our goal is to streamline your tax filing process, ensuring a thorough and hassle-free experience, while also offering insights for future tax planning related to your investment income.

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We Specialize In Business,
Estate and Trust And Individual Tax
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W-2 Employee with Additional Income
Individuals with Higher Deductions that Standard - 1040 + Sch. A
Individuals with Interest and Dividend Income - 1040 + Sch. B
Individuals with Self-Employed Income - 1040 + Sch. C
Individuals with Capital Gains/Losses - 1040 + Sch. D
Individuals with Rental, Royalty or S-corp Income - 10140+Sch E
Individuals with Farm Income - 1040 + Sch F
Individuals with Household employees - 1040 +Sch H

Planning & Preparation

A - itemized Deductions
B - Interest and Dividend Income
C - Self-Employment Income
D - Capital Gains/Losses for Capital Assets
E - Rental Income, Royalties, S-Corp Income
F - Farm Income
H - Household Employees

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